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Heya, Aaryn here. I wanted to take time to seriously thank you for the contribution, regardless of how big or small. This project is funded entirely on donations and I never thought that it would reach the size of the audience that it has. While the game is inherently free, I appreciate you taking the time to become part of the team and share your faith in what I'm trying to do here.

Your donation is even more important during the Revamp. While the initial story was very expensive to create, the Revamp now includes music and further licensing expenses. Regardless of the budget, I still want to finish this journey and complete this project but your help makes that go much quicker. I hope you enjoy the story and all future updates. Don't forget to check out our Discord and link your account in the Patreon settings to unlock specialized chat tiers. 

Thank you, truly-- from the bottom of my heart-- thank you. This project is better because of all of us and I'm honored to have you supporting me while I pump my entire soul into this thing.


Added: 2023-07
Aaryn here. I wanted to take time to seriously thank you for the contribution, regardless of how big or small. While the game is inherently free, I appreciate you taking the time to become part of the team and share your faith in the project. I hope you enjoy the game and future updates. Don't forget to check out our Discord and link your account in the Patreon settings to unlock specialized chat tiers. 

Thanks again,
Added: 2023-01