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  • Adjustments made to Path P
  • Minor adjustments made on Dave Epilogue
  • Dialogue adjustments on Day 1

This feels like a shorter, more housekeeping type update this time but I'll break down what's different.

There has been a big push for Path P to be adjusted somewhat, commonly in two areas. The first, people wanted the capacity to put in the final password themselves. This is a difficult thing to just add in, given the password really has to be obvious to stop people being stonewalled in what was originally designed to be a glorified cutscene, but we'll see how this iteration of things go.

Secondly, the change with Tyson to be so forthcoming to Dave's whims has been adjusted to be less... out of nowhere. The existing canon has not, and will not change, but it should read more palatable for those that found it a bit jarring. If not, I tried. As an auxiliary part to this, interactions between Roswell and Dave are also adjusted, though a bit preemptively given there are edits specifically on his route that need to be addressed before a proper go of it can be done.

These changes echoed into only a couple of lines into Dave's Epilogue but nothing major changed. Just consistency adjustments. 

As far as bigger changes, I've gone through and done most of, if not all of Dean's lines in Day 1. He wasn't reading correctly as an accurate first impression and needed to be eased back just a little bit. More needs to be done, but I'll talk about that more below.

I'll be tweaking things here and there as time goes on as part of preparation for the big edit, but that's an effort I'll announce when we're actually there. Speaking of big edits, one that's been making some good headway are the sprites! Ghosty has been doing a stellar job and even managed to finish off the main cast.

Look at them there, all together like that. 100% happy with his work so far and even that's an understatement. While not implemented just yet in-game, this is what they'll look like:

Very much getting the sizes of the cast more accurately with the revision too, which is nice. 

Now for next month, as those that are familiar with what happens during November, there typically isn't an update. The plan is to use NaNoWriMo this year to completely rehaul Dean's route. Writing new content takes a lot less time than going through and editing things so it still fits within the overall flow of things, so there's likely to be some growing pains and issues with what comes out in December, but that's what the edit later is for.

Until then, I have something potentially to post about in a couple weeks that's Password related, otherwise stay tuned for updates on other things!

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The new sprites look wonderful!!

Sr Hyeno

Hi, excuse me, is there any way to download the songs from the music room? I love songs and I wish I had them on my Hi, excuse me, is there any way to download the songs from the music room? I love songs and I wish I had them on my playlist 👉👈