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  • Segment on Day 8 removed
  • Additional content added on Day 8
  • Adjustments made to Day 11 (Path A)

This month was a strange one, but we'll tackle things one at a time. Oswin interview as of this update has been removed from the game. While the files are still there, they are no longer accessible and likely removed properly when I get a chance to do a thorough cleaning of assets. In its place there is a section where he and Dave converse about things relevant to some of the things that happen later in the story, and are the first in a series of edits to make the true ending a little more palatable. Namely getting people up to speed on how and why it happened. Further adjustments in the name of that are going to include a few tweaks to Dave's epilogue, the sequencing of Path P itself, as well as a few tweaks in the story as a whole during the big edit later.

As a consequence of editing how Day 8 functions, Day 11 specifically on Path A needed to be adjusted to echo that. I'm not entirely sold on it just yet, it may need more, but a lot of the superfluous lines were removed to make it cleaner and easier to follow. But it'll be subject to the big edit as well.

Finally, I've tweaked Benson's bad ending slightly. It should point cleaner to the intended outcome rather than fake out people have been running into. Like the interview the files are there still and unlike the interview they're still accessible, but the intention is you skip a whole cycle now to be more in-line with the first round of bad ends. Properly removing all the unneeded content will come in the same housekeeping update as the asset cleanup.

Let's talk sprites. They're going well, though some are proving harder than others. For now, you can have a closer look at one of them.

Look at those clean lines, look at that crisp new view of our favorite crocodile! A certain lion will be shown off in his full glory soon, and word has it there may be a lot more to show next month!  

Along with that, hopefully some more updates on upcoming merch-

Oh! Carry on, Dave. Carry on. We'll hear from you when you're available for purchase then. Shouldn't be long now!

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Oh my god!~ Dave looks so adorable~ I can't wait!~🥰