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Let's take a break from all that fantastical stuff like Angels and Demons, magic and Orcs and Elves, and focus back on humans, specifically those in the immediate area of where our little smutty story takes place.

The Kingdom we find ourselves in has a troubled relationship with the surrounding nations. It is, as you may have guessed, not the country our prince and knight call theirs. Hence their trek. It is not actively hostile, but tensions are growing, and the failing rule of its king and ruling nobility has allowed for a lot of unrest to seep into the country and its people. It's here where the dark wizard conducting his perverse research found purchase.

Further down river, the magical fallout of his experiments diluted to a far less potent mixture as it is joined by other rivers and streams. It has an effect none the less as it flows past the capital itself. People enjoy slightly smoother skin, less blemishes, toned muscles, fat packs on easier, tends to distribute itself over the body rather pleasantly, and most importantly, they too, though to a far lesser extend than the nearest villages to the Wizard's tower, enjoy a heightened sex drive.

But the country is also home to a rising new religion, one that doesn't worship any fantastical being or pantheon of them, but rather a single ur-god, creator of all. In essence it's not a huge deal, similar beliefs have sprung up from time to time, even among early Orcs such ideas existed before they embraced their sciences as the true truth. But it is the king that has taken particular interest in this one, particularly its teachings of celibacy, chastity, and purity.

You can see how magical sex juice permeating the lands and a state religion actively denouncing sex makes for a fairly volatile situation.

But it was a lone knight from a neighbouring country that came to save a kidnapped prince that ended up being the wizard's downfall. So that begs the question. Did the King not know? Did he not care about the situation brewing right under his feet? Or is something more sinister at play?

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

...His second load came quickly to him, Sophia deftly bending the prince's tool out of the way of her face so there wouldn't be more clean-up.

Thankfully the prince was satisfied enough this time, at least enough to manage to fumble his manhood back into his clothes. Beth has had this opportunity too to get herself ready. And so the three of them quickly walked back to rejoin the others, leaving behind another white mess slowly seeping into the forest floor.

Though Beth did wonder, now that she found out why he was sneaking off all the time, where the missing food had gone then if he wasn't taking it...

"What do you mean missing food?"

Her father asked when they returned and Beth notified him of the mystery. The kart was quickly investigated. Indeed, some of the sacks, the ones containing the food they were to eat on their journey, not the produce they were planning to sell in the city, seemed lighter than they should be. As they unloaded the ox-drawn cart to investigate further, a yelp was heard coming from one of the sacks...

Hey all,

Right on time again, and if I haven't lost my ability to count, this makes for the fourth sketch this week, which means I've caught up again.

Yep again not much else to say, next couple fantasy sketches will probably be solo smut again. So something to look forward to if you like my writing. I still don't consider myself a writer of any sort or of particular calibre, but I've noticed some people seem to enjoy it. I might bundle the smut and lore together in a single file sometime for easier reading in the future.

Huh, that's actually quite a bit to say.

SoCarter out.




I don't know why scars are so sexy, but they are. Daggome it. So many sexy designs. Not super-fond of the not!Christians being killjoys, but... eh, whatever, it's a silly parody.


I hope we see more of her. A lot more!


Well, she is going to make an appearance in my smutty writing that comes along with these sketches, that's one thing.