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What the frick frack, two uploads two days in a row from SoCarter? In this day and age? Just what sort of bizarro world did I wander into?

Hey all,

Yes your eyes do not deceive you, this is indeed another second upload of the day. Crazy right?

The gal right here is known as BW, she's from a show called Long Gone Gulch. Or I think right now it only consists of one pilot episode and has yet to air? Or maybe it's one of those things where only the pilot gets made but the show doesn't get picked up.

I don't actually know and I am too lazy to look it up, point is is that it's fairly new and I can't find a wikipedia page to explain things about it to me.

So here's BW, all bimbo-ified as per the request. And I don't think I've ever really drawn any real bimbos yet. Though the usual proportions I like to play with serves it quite well methinks.

Not a lot of adjustments to be made.


SoCarter out.



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