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Hey all,

And here's another one of these, this time we take a look at another subcategory of the humanoid alien: the furry.

The furry is any alien that is basically an anthropomorphised  animal... as is the case with any furry. Difference being that this time they're from space that just happen to have some passing resemblance to an earth animal but it's totally not a catgirl you guys I swear.

So the Na'vi are the aliens indigenous to Pandora, and they look like huge blue cathumans.

And the girls have a propensity to run around in nothing but some strings of beads and feathers to cover up the funny bits. So it'd basically be heaven to some people.

I bet there's people out there willing to pay top dollar to turn into one and have freaky hair sex with them in the jungles while connected to a tree or some shit.

Really, those idiots shouldn't have been mining those space rocks, they should have let people go on luxury cruises there to clap alien cheeks. Way more profitable.

Also way better for relations with the natives.

Yeah Avatar just kind of disappeared after it was this huge thing when it came out. I liked the vehicle designs in it, the aliens were ok, pretty cool even though a lot of them were only earth animal+2 extra arms and some funny bits but no fur.

Oh also funny story about that alien black panther thing that chases the hero at the beginning. That thing was designed by Cameron himself like decades prior. Before he got to do Aliens he had this dream of making this scifi story about two mothers, a human and an alien, fighting each other for the survival of their progeny with the alien mother being kind of like a grendel's mom type of deal, And that alien panther thing was his design for it. But studios kept turning him down so when he got to do Aliens he simply adapted that story to the Alien franchise and swapped his aliens out for the Xenomorph and his protag with Ellen Ripley.

And he's held on to that original design ever since, so when he made avatar he put it in there instead.

I think that's a sweet story.

SoCarter out.



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