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Let's take a break from all those demons and devils and take a look at the other side of that coin, or rather, what most people assume is the other side of the coin.

Because Demons = bad and Angels = good, right?

Well no, not really. Though it is a good rule to go by, as Demons tend to not have a positive effect on the material people, creatures, and plants they come in contact with. This isn't because the Demons themselves are necessarily "bad" or "evil", but because they are simply so strange and alien it is hard to find common ground with them.

A Demon that can take physical form and not become a horrid, madness inducing abomination has already made huge strides in understanding a realm so utterly alien to itself.

And there is perhaps no better being to explain how Angels are not the polar opposite of Demons than The Valkyrie. While Demons can be part of or aspects of greater beings from beyond the veil or entirely independent agents, Angels are always seen as servants of the gods. Angels as such do not necessarily need to be ethereal creatures. nor stand opposed to Demons. Though they are certainly beyond flesh and blood. The Valkyrie for instance are a class of being that are mortal warriors, uplifted to be their god's servant beyond their death, and willing agents that execute their chosen patron's will. But not all of those beings are considered Angels, because they lack the common features associated with them, such as a lack of robes, halo, or wings. It's just the Valkyries of the Dwarven and Nordic tribes that share some of these features, and hence carry the title of Angel. Even though by technicality all of them are.

Because "angel" is simply a term used to describe supernatural beings, oft seen with bird-like wings or halos, that are subservient to greater powers, and don't pose a threat to us. Not a class unto their own like Demons are.

Some would even argue that Valkyries aren't proper Angels just to keep pretending the false dichotomy between Angels and Demons exist. But among the different types of Angel there is simply no common origin, and some Angels can even be considered Demons themselves, as weird and counter-intuitive as that sounds. But this post is getting long, and that explanation is better reserved for when we get to those Angels.

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...done with the blonde, and gotten their money's worth out of her, the pair strap themselves into their gear again, though having wasted a lot of time having sex across town, they elect to go back to the inn to stay one more night before continuing on their journey. After this town after all there awaits them a rather lengthy trek up towards a larger city. A proper night's rest after a day of relaxation is sure to do them well. Though it does mean they are delayed yet again.

Bernadette bids them farewell with sadness in her voice, it is clear such a small town is wasted on such an adventurous spirit, but also she sure would've liked to take the prince's intimidating member for another spin or two.

There is not much in the way of entertainment present in the small town however, and the young knight and her Prince soon find themselves entangled in each other's arms again, nude and sweaty in their shared room... even as the sun sets their bed creaks with their feverish writhing and thrusting, moans hushed until they both fall asleep and eventually day breaks again...

Hey all,

Again nothing to say, enjoy the longer lore bit and short continuation of the story

SoCarter out.




...Somehow, I figured the mayor's daughter'd be tangled up in this... hmmm... Also, I just realized that this extremely-busty valkyrie is rather modest by the standards of the setting. Furthermore, glad that you didn't just do the lazy thing and go "Angels are all dicks!" to try to justify the demons being morally-complex.


T'was the farmer's daughter that's yet to make her appearance ;) And indeed, I try to avoid going too hard on my subversions and turning all the good guys into assholes and bad guys into poor and misunderstood. We'll find out more about both angels and demons in future uploads ;)