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Hey all,

Time for the second alien chick of the alien chicks from across the history of science fiction and pop-culture. And for the second instalment we have... *drum-roll even though you've already see what it is and it's also in the title so this reveal is useless* ...the ever popular Twi'lek! These are perhaps THE quintessential sexy alien chick. If you know Star Wars, you know two things about these aliens: They make for popular slaves, and the girls are all sexy as all shit. Even if you don't know Star Wars you're probably on some level aware of these multi-coloured tentacleheads.

Speaking off tentacleheads, this entry also introduces us to another category, AND some sub-categories, of alien chick for our list.

Twi'lek belong to the category "basically humans", in which they fall into two of the sub-categories, the tentacleheads, where the alien makes up for a lack of hairdo with a number of tentacles growing out of their head, and the monochromatics, the kind of alien that's in most respects human except subjected to a palette-swap.

I figure I can introduce the categories piece by piece with each entry, and then when explored once, can be added to with later entries. With obvious future entries for tentacleheads being the Togruta (also Star Wars), and Asari (Mass Effect). And let me also take this time to note that suggestions are very welcome, I am but one person, and I am sure there are tons of aliens I don't know of that are just ripe for lewdin' across all media.

SoCarter out.



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