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Hey all,

So it's another week, and another random quick request.

With the lifeguard again, from Lilo & Stitch. Been a while since I've drawn her. And this time I get to draw both her tits AND her ass. Outstanding.

So yesterday I said I'd talk a bit about the random quick requests. As you can see, I've only done one per week for now since the break. Initially coming out of the break I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do with them. Because one the one hand they had become a huge timesink, and with the higher standards of quality I started holding myself to with the big drawings this hobby that was meant for my spare time quickly started taking up most of my time. But on the other, I really do enjoy them. I enjoy the format, scrolling through threads of requests until I find an idea that immediately makes me go "ooh that could be neat". And I enjoy that I could churn them out relatively quickly.

Of course, I had to then confront the fact that they really stopped being quick, and it was getting worse.

Now after two weeks I'm still not entirely sure what I want. I've kept it to one per week for now so they don't entirely disappear.

What I do know however is I want to make up for the couple of missed ones before the break, so I'm all properly caught up. But so far I have not yet found the time to start doing that. Believe it or not, but four weeks into my new place I'm still not done unpacking.

I have a LOT of stuff.

SoCarter out.



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