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Hey all,

So this is a tiny little bit late. It's past midnight over here so technically it is tomorrow... today... hmm.

It's the next day is what I mean. But it's only by 30 minutes or so and since I haven't gone to bed yet I will count this as a Wednesday upload regardless

And I do so of course so I can say that I at least made the two weeks of uploads on time (sans random quick requests, more on that when I upload the next one). Let's see if I can keep this train going and be on time for a third week.

Even though I technically am not.

Oh well.

So this is Bastemon, some may know her as "beastmon" (yuck! blech! no!), but I don't ascribe to such nonsense over here. We here at SoCarter incorporated (working title) refer to her be her REAL name: Bastemon. Sadly no alternatives for this one either so I had to make some hard choices clothes-wise. In the end I decided on all her bling and the sexy veil on her face and just left out the yellow poofy pants thing she's got going on to show off more of her ass and thighs.

Here she is getting a good prone-boning from some muscly dude because I cannot stop drawing big burly men.

This one makes way heavier use of the pen tool than any before, and honestly I'm quite pleased with the results. Agreed Y/N?

Fun fact: this is the first drawing since the involuntary break I didn't work on during said break, but was entirely done this very week. Fun huh?

SoCarter out.



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