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Hey all,

Since the two small random requests in one week thing I've been doing these past two weeks has been going well I decided to keep it going for this one too, no promises for the future though, I like to keep this fluid so I got some wiggle room in my upload schedule.

So this is a character called "Twillion". No idea where she's from but in the thread the guy who requested this said there exists NO porn of this hottie. And that should not be, the rules of the internet are clear on this and ironclad.

So considering it was within my power to right this wrong I decided to do just that.

And as you may notice this is way more than two, that's because these are simply edits of the original sketch I made that I cranked out in a few minutes, just to give you some options. Take your pick I'd say.

There's a real second piece following very soon.



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