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Yeah so this is a day early. I guess I could pretend it's to make up for being a day late last week but as you can see the pieces uploaded aren't exactly new.

Hey all, I did an oopsie,

I have received a message from the Patreon gods that I'm breaking community guidelines. Because I stupidly, in my endless wisdom, decided to make all my uploads public, figuring that it all should be for free and I don't want to put things behind a paywall. Of course since all of my work gets uploaded to other places as well that doesn't really matter, but I thought it was the message that counts.

But putting things public of course means everyone can see it, I suppose the problems with "everyone" should be obvious.

I guess it wasn't to me.

So yeah I changed all older posts. (had to delete the lord dominator one because for some reason it wouldn't update but again everything's available elsewhere so it doesn't matter)

A bigger problem however was that your banner cannot contain nudity, implied or explicit. Now obviously my old banner doesn't leave much to the imagination, and censor bars also obviously would still be implied nudity, there's very little chance there's anything other than a gigantic floppy shlong behind that big bold SCANDALOUS. And the chance of pasties on ALL the girls is slim as well, because why would they be censored if they were?

I've already been thinking about updating my banner, but nearly all of my drawings contain nudity or worse so a collage of older work isn't going to cut it this time.

The answer was to draw clothes on the various girls I've drawn, which is exactly what I did.

Swimsuits, to be exact.

And I also took the opportunity to edit and update some parts about them that had been bothering me, and while one is not enough for an upload I feel, and that if I spend my entire life fretting over, and perfecting, old drawings I'd never draw anything new, a couple at once and the excuse of having to edit them anyway might just cut it.

So I took a long hard look at my drawings, selected what I felt are my best, edited where I felt necessary, and put them in skimpy bikinis. Making this the beach episode of Patreon posts

What SHOULD have been this week was a piece for my one remaining patron (shut up I'm not crying you're crying), but seeing this come up and having to comply quickly lest my page gets deleted threw a wrench in those plans. Instead I'll now just have more time to work on it. Which is convenient for whole other reasons that don't matter to most people so I won't bother with explaining that.

I have contacted Patreon telling them I did what they requested of me and have not heard back from them yet, so I guess now we play the waiting game. If my page gets deleted anyway I guess the Patreon overlords just decided to hate me or something. We'll see.

All in all this was rather fun to do so I may do more later down the line, these aren't huge time sinks all together except when they're, you know, all at once, like now.

SoCarter out.

Edit: added reworked Ploomie in leather & lace



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