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Hey all,

Told ya we haven't even reached the full extent of obscurity. This is a girl called "Saucy Pirate" I don't know what that implies, because I don't know anything about this "character" If she's even that.

Because this one is from the fourth main Jak and Daxter game. And the fourth one was made by a different company, and had different mechanics, and the artstyle didn't quite match with how the previous games all looked. It wasn't like completely wrong, just... kind of off.

The story too is something weird about the world running out of eco or whatever and it's all very boring and I don't care, I basically consider it non-canon because I don't want it to be. Either way, I never played this one either, but not, like with the spinoff games, because I didn't have it, but because I didn't want to. As such I don't know anything about this girl, She might be a generic pirate mook, she might be a recurring enemy, she might be a major character, she might just show up in the background once and never get mentioned again.

I don't know.

So yeah Jak and Daxter has pirates, sky pirates, she's one of them. Cool.

SoCarter out.



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