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Hey all, or should I say hey singular person?

Because apparently I lost two patrons, was it because I was a day late? It's that isn't it?

Not to worry though I will soldier on, this isn't for money after all, but for fun, the money is a bonus and maybe I could make it my job if it goes well, but that is a pipe dream. Anyway this weeks (a day late) piece is for Lena Smith again. It's her, blowing her hubby.

In all honestly I forgot to save the reference she gave me, and when I checked the bookmarked imgur page she put everything in it was gone, so I had to go off memory and the sketches I had made beforehand.

I hope I got the details right.

To elaborate on being a day late, I don't like doing it, so even if it's perfectly excusable (my equipment isn't cooperating so I can't work on it and finish it on time, I'm away this weekend so even though it's technically ready for release I'm not present to upload so it'll be late) I still don't like doing it, so like with last week I "punished" myself for being late. Because any concession to my schedule is a step closer to not having one. And I know the kind of person I am. I am likely to fall into that hole. The "punishment" of course was more drawings to make up for it.

So that'll be the case this week as well.


SoCarter out.



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