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Hey all,

So this one's a few hours later than usual but still on time, because well... It took longer. The background added a lot more work. I usually leave them out because there's a lot more to keep in mind in colouring and shading them. But I think I made do and this is... adequate. I don't usually do backgrounds for this reason.

Now you might think this is part of the regular release schedule (lewd fanart, request, lewd fanart, request, etc) But this is actually a paid request, meaning the schedule has been interrupted this week, resuming the next one. And as fate would have it, the guy that paid for this actually has a free request lined up next as well.

So this is just a heads up, there's gonna be two requests in a row, and they're both involving this guy right there. Obscure Jak girls the week after again.

SoCarter out.



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