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And it's the fourth Jak girl, hey all,

It's the fourth and final major girl from the main series, after this one we'll be getting increasing levels of obscurity as we tackle the spinoff titles and minor characters.

Because yes, I do plan on covering every single one of them, obscure girls deserve attention too.

It's sort of funny how you can, by just looking at the four Jak and Daxter girls I've done so far, see a clear progression of me getting a better handle of the new and fancy way of shading girls, without putting in a whole lot more effort than I used to! Truly I am a genius beyond compare when it comes to balancing laziness and quality.

Now this WAS going to commemorate my second patron, but I see he cancelled the... subscription? patronage? ...already lol. Nop false alarm he's back again I guess it is.

 Aaaaaaaaand fixed her feet because I am a silly person. 




omg wow 😍