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VERY GOOD! The first CD containing all the songs so far from Patreon are here! I will begin the mailout process this week. So all you folk that have pledged $96 or above will be receiving one of these. Here's the important bit - you need to make sure your address is up-to-date on your profile. Patreon will export all the addresses into a spreadsheet, and you can imagine the headache of me having to look through private messages, taking note of everyone's changes etc. So making sure your address on your profile is up to date is SUPER important. (don't worry, your address isn't public)
If you're on a computer, checking your address is easy - just click your profile picture in the top right and hit "my profile settings"

On the Patreon app, it's a little more hidden. First go to the top right -

Then you have to select "edit pledge" -

and then top right again - 

and then finally "my profile settings" - 

Awesome! Try to check over the weekend because on Monday I'll start doing the mailouts.

Cheers! #cheers



Done, looking forward to it!


Damn I hope I'm not too late, just added my address. On the other hand ... I don't even know how much I pledged so far.