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Here's something for everyone following this campaign. New pages will be posted every Sunday!

Thanks for checking out the campaign!

Tyler :)



Kaffeyette Lektor

I know the whole boob obsession is a real thing, and I'm not mocking it or being condescending or critical about it, because I know from several of my friends and family how powerful it can actually be - to the point of rendering them completely incapable of speech or conscious action in the presence of even just noticeable cleavage. It's obviously a genetically hard-wired evolutionary trait that was a potent selection characteristic for our successful survival over a significant part of our evolution, for it to still be so widespread and powerful today. I must just have missed out on swimming in that gene pool. My dad and brother certainly didn't. My mother and sisters certainly got the 'survival' gene. Maybe, I'm just desensitised. I'm not averse. They're nice enough, but just not necessarily essential for me. It's so interesting to watch others' reactions though - just like in this comic.