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Hello all

Back in Design Diary 28, I talked about the roadmap for the  rest of Horizon and some things have changed as we moved through the releases. Now that we are into the last 1/3 of the game I wanted to give an update on what has changed and what might change going forward. Below is the roadmap as it was with suggested changes.

V0.55 - V0.60 Followups to V0.50

V0.65 - Cleanup and transition. (was 2 Main missions.)

V0.70 - Story missions. (was Second half of V0.65.)

V0.75 - 3 main missions. (The number might change depending on what I can get into 0.70)

V0.80-V0.85 Followups to V0.75

V0.99 Final Release (Will once again contain 10-15% of the content in one go.)

As you can see above that is the current plan with changes highlighted in bold. The V0.50 missions took longer to complete as they got bigger than planned. They ran into V0.65 and I am now going to use V0.70 to cover the same parts of the story but not have a mission choice as was the plan for V0.65. V0.75 is still going to have another mission choice that leads into the endgame but the number and size are still being considered.

Let's see how things play out in the coming months.

Have a nice winter.



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