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Hey apologies for a lack of an email update recently. Before I send out the mega links again I wanted to obviously have a new animation wip featured.

Been some cockups there though. I animated a scene with Juri that I only realised once I rendered it, just simply didn't work/look right. I won't go into the details why but it was put simply, an Urb blind moment.

So I got to work on a different pose which I'm not far from having fully animated. Lemmie tell you, animating a dingus suck with one this thick - not easy. In fact Its not even a deep donger succ cause its just too big haha. Worth remembering in the future when I plan to do some deep throat.

Its also been one of the trickier animation segments so far as theres so much you have to tweak and alter with mouth and lip motions. All learning experience though.

I didn't actually plan how long I was going to make this by the way, just sorta going with it. But soon after this, I'll cut to her riding the dingus. At least thats my current plan.

Also if there are people wondering about Space Lady, we need to somehow get her away from the backwards twats that own her character. What with my tumblr account terminated, twitter account perma suspended and patreon having scoured my page for anything to do with that stuff and removing it or else, one has to wonder if its worth the hassle.



Arae Tokou

Have you tried Subscribestar? I follow some pretty kinky creators on there.


I got some options for Space Lady: 1. Use a Pixiv account 2. Change her name to Sarah Bryant (a character similar to Samus) 3. Complete and release the project under a throw away account Everyone here supports you, all we ask is for you not to give up on what we asked. You’re a legend btw!


Yep, I have that as well. But I know of fellow creators who have had to purge their sites of that content off of there also.


You can't upload animations to Pixiv so thats not real handy for me. I do have an account on there by the way. Thanks by the way, thats very much appreciated!


I would still love to see space lady. That animation was top notch and really I wanted to see where that story would go. Hoping for the best on that front.


Just a thought too but maybe when she rides the dingus we get nipple slip then


Hey it’s ok, it is what it is, I’d rather a clean looking animation than a quick sloppy one. Also on the Space ranger front, the only things I can think of, would be changing suit color/design but you’d literally be rebuilding a character from the ground up due to the big N being butt hurt about anything (another idea is change the character entirely, I’ve seen a model maker that has a EFFECT with the MASSES). 😉Other than that, I would say Agnika has the best idea for a work-around, and I’d try that. Keep up the stellar work


Yeah, the problem is when you start changing all of that in terms of the character, you might as well just start from scratch. Not exactly like its the same character at that point eh

Grim Diddly

Emphasis on cockup! Hehe! Looking forward to whatever you come up with. Space lady stuff is annoying to have to work around, i know a lot of creators who make N related stuff and their accounts can be switched off like that if they feel like it.


Hopefully at some point in the future, N will grow up and realise none of this is hurting them.