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This is for those 82 people, who are either now regretting their choices in life or who secretly wanted to see their potentially favourite girls get cucked by strapping blokes.

Either way I wanted to break up the long Space Lady project with something else, so I did a complete 180 and wanted to see how y'all react to this. Should be interesting if nothing else haha

If you want me to continue this and potentially add sound, give this a thumbs up/like the post. Obviously once you've watched the vid, you'll see what direction its going in currently.

Expect an email from me soon with:

- 720p versions of this animation sent out to tiers 2 and above.

No other higher resolutions yet, as I want to see how people react. I'll add them later though.

Obviously I'll do a nude version of Juri too and might swap the guy out for an alternate potentially, if it doesn't provide too much difficulty.




Well... When I cast a vote for "Just do you and I'll be happy!" I certainly didn't expect what I can only consider a joke video of this nature. I think I'd feel far less cringe if that guy was swapped out for Jabba the Hutt.


Haha, if this was a joke video, do you think I'd have put this much effort into it? :V


Different guy please


I don't like 'Lester' but I will still watch it.... with shame


Yup definitely starting to regret it

Jack Strife

Well, not what I have in mind but I'm gonna put you this way since I trust your creative mind: "First you had my curiosity now you have my attention". haha


This is something i didn't knew i want! Thanks! Definitely waiting for continuation


I’m not mad at this 🤔

A. M.

Hell yeah I'd like to see more.