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New chapter coming tomorrow! I know, I know, we're off to another rocky start this month as well. I'm still dealing with some irl shit right now, and the chapter has decided to be bigger than average for absolutely no reason other than my need to end it on a very nice cliffhanger. Evil laughter intensifies.

Also, I may have wasted a slice of my time on Thor love and thunder, and Dreadgod (Cradle#11, great series). For anyone wondering, Thor: LaT was alright, but certainly not amazing. I felt it went too high on laughs. As for any Cradle fans, holy shit you gotta read this one. Dreadgod was amazing, especially for a setup book which basically just moved the events for final payoff.

Anyway, that's all for today. You'll definitely get the chapter tomorrow, no excuses. So see ya all then! Have fun and take care!



No proboem


True, Personally I felt the last 1/3 of the Thor LaT fell flat because the emotional scenes didn’t hit hard tbh. Too much jokes and back and forward jibes. Although, Christian Bale’s redebut as a “dark knight” was pretty dope lol.


Yeah, Bale was probably the only thing great about the movie, but even he was so under-utilized. I was really hoping to see him do some actual god-slaying on screen, but all we got was just some random comments and dead bodies.