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Holyyy shitt!!!! So sorry for the mega period of silence! There was a death in the family so I had to leave the city urgently to attend the funeral, and really didn't get much time to write in the last few days. I'm back home now and will be scrambling to complete the chapter as soon as I can. Will take some time though.

It's a shame really....I was hoping to end the month with another mega chapter before this shit kicked in. Apologies to everyone who's decided to end the subscription due to inconsistent updates. You should've definitely gotten another chapter in June.

Still, not to be completely worthless, let me recommend some fics to keep you entertained till the next chap is finished:

dead things by EclipseWing (Harry Potter; One-shot, Dark Lord, Mod Harry Potter): archiveofourown.org/works/15695769

Z to A by nenoriaeterna (Avengers; Time-traveling Peter Parker and Wanda): archiveofourown.org/works/30354576/chapters/74829708

Breathe, then repeat (Avengers; Time traveling Spiderman): archiveofourown.org/works/14460936/chapters/33407481

Bargaining (Avengers; Time Traveling Loki...this is the only fanfic that made me tear up): www.fanfiction.net/s/9963063/1/Bargaining

Transcendence (Avengers; Incest, twincest Pietro/Wanda...great fic, will definitely be taking some inspiration lolz): archiveofourown.org/works/4032922/chapters/9068620

Also, below are some Hera pics for MGO Ch.34 as peace offering. The next chapter should come in 2-3 days, as I've just got access to my PC since the last week or so. Hope you have a great day, and I'll see you all soon! 





No problem can’t wait for it


No apologies needed! I am going through a loss myself, so I can somewhat appreciate how hard it is to stay motivated/find time. Thank you for these recommendations! I am terrible at find good fics.


Damn those stories you recommended were super grim


Hehe sorry about that. I actually didn't list the more hardcore ones cause I ended up dropping them due to too much grimness.