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Oh Jaehyuk PD,,,,every HxH arc is the absentee father arc


Blaire confused me in the previous episode that “this is THE ARC”, because I thought the Chimera Arc is “the arc”. I knew in this show there would be a “Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc” and right from the opening I knew it’s going to be this one. And… I don’t know yet how I feel about this arc. It has the potential, but after the previous one… it feels like something is missing, although that might be simply the “dead 🫵🏽” moments during every intro 🙏🏽🥹 (I am going through the opening and it doesn’t seem like we have any kind of Uvogin shot replacement here… 😿😿)

Blaire 🌻

I only say that with all the positive and negative reactions to the Chimera arc, it’s so split on loving or hating it. I’m in the liking it side lol -B

Jennifer Gonzalez

personally i would say this arc is fun, and the chimera ant arc is my least favorite so... but everyone has different preferences so, and hunter x hunter is still like my fav anime of all time along with haikyuu


I see! This is my first time watching it, so I just know informations from other people around. Maybe I simply got to know people, who enjoyed the Chimera arc 😅