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Dear all

It has been a long time since I have given you an update about what is going on and it is with a heavy heart that I write this.

I have for a long time stated that SotF would never be abandoned. Unfortunately I will have to break that promise. I have thought long and hard about it and I have come to the realization that it is time to throw in the towel and stop playing at being a game developer. My health, mental state and game development just doesn't mix very well. Therefore Kaffekop will retire come August and this website will be cancelled some time during the month of August.

I want to thank all of you who have stuck around for so long and exhibited a remarkable patience when it comes to this project and not least the many, many, many delays there have been because of my real life issues. You are exceptional people and it has been a privilege to have you as supporters.

What does this mean for SotF? The cancellation of the VN does not necessarily mean that the story will go away, it may be turned into a comic instead. I should, in retrospect, perhaps have chosen this format to begin with but, alas I was not quite as wise in the ways of things back then. Should I chose to go that road with SotF it will be developed and released under the nom de plume of Artzykop and will most likely begin sometime in 2023.

On the very off chance that I reach a point where I once again can see myself working on a VN, SotF might make a resurgence. This is of course in the future and as we don't know the future I will not dismiss the possibility entirely (but don't hold your breath).

I wish you all the very best in life and may luck and prosperity follow you wherever you go.

Yours - Kaffekop



I hate to see this but I enjoyed what you made. Best wishes, take care of yourself and looking forward to the comic (fingers crossed). ...and thanks for all the pictures of Mary (Yum)


It hurts to see you give up on this. Have you already dismissed collab with another dev ? If you have the story in your head, someone else can pick from there. Anyway, good luck on what you decide. I'll be hoping to see you come back sometime. Best to you