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Hello Hypno Permanence Tier! 

I have a poll just for this tier. Part of becoming permanently incontinent and not having muscle control is training your body to not hold in pee, including at night. 

How many of you are regular bedwetters? Does it happen on a nightly basis? Do you want it to? 

What are the challenges of getting yourself to wet the bed? 


Dottie Dairymilk

Bed wetting is important but for me it’s a proud thing to stay dry overnight but bedwetters are cool. My pull ups keep me secure enough but that’s just me. Bedwetters are cool tho and they are doing what they supoose do. Bedwetters know who they are!

Lee Goodman

I listen to bed wetting hypnosis and relax until I've peed and thoroughly wet the bed.


But doesn’t matter any more in my onesie and double Crinklz diapers on


I don't wake up to wet anymore. But usually only when wearing diapers. I have had a couple of accidents when I've been able to wear diapers almost every night for a little while and then had to stop for .. reasons.


I have never wet the bed as an adult, but would try especially if it let me sleep the night without waking up.