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Stuffies are a great way to be comforted and relaxed in the night. You can hug them or hold them close as you fall asleep. You could make your stuffy smell good by spraying some kind of body spray on them, making them even more fun to hug.  Having a cute stuffed animal can also help you enter little space. 

You don't have to only sleep with a stuffed animal, you could also just play with it and take it with you along for your day. The fun of having stuffies is that you can get them in any color and any animal, give them names and imagine their personalities. Using your imagination can get you deeper into little space, deeper into a soft feeling. 

Do you sleep with a stuffy? 



Actually the truth be known I have stuffy's from my girlfriend that passed away I did sleep with them sometimes but not in a while like I'm talkin like maybe 5 years so maybe start sleeping with them but never have done it in DL space so maybe I should huh


My cats always snuggle up with me in bed, does that count?


I've been thinking for a while to buy a stuffie, as a gift for myself :) This post might be a sign that the time as come to do so actually :D I've always enjoyed stuffie btw, I used to have a lot of them as a child, I loved their soft and cuddly feeling :)