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Have you ever re-read your favorite childhood book? Or tried to play a computer game that you loved when you were little? Sometimes we can snap right back into nostalgia mode, but other times we don't feel the magic anymore. We remember how special it was when we were little, but our mind can not feel the same feelings. 

I've recently come across a youtube video of a computer game I used to play when I was in elementary school. The sounds and music were super nostalgic, but I realized this game is so simple. As an adult, I wouldn't have as much fun playing it. I would rather play something more complex and strategic. 

Adult minds handle a lot of complexity. That's why books written for adults have more detail, description and deeper themes. Books written for children are very simple and to the point. As an adult, that they can be almost boring for their simplicity. But when we were kids we found them very interesting and engaging. The thing is, you could re-read it and feel how interested a simple story is.  That same mental state is still a part of your mind and it can be unlocked. 

In a podcast with Sam Harris and the famous hypnotist Derren Brown, Sam Harris talks about his experience with  hypnosis. He was a subject in a hypnosis experiment where he was age regressed. While under hypnosis, he wrote his name in the same handwriting as if he was 7 years old. When he came out of hypnosis he was shocked and surprised that he had written that! The hypnosis unlocked a younger mental state.

Since childhood we learn so much new information and develop so many modes of thinking, that these younger mental states get crowded out. As you block out all that you know about your adult mind, you can re-enter your 7 year old mindset. 

According to  British Hypnosis Research, age regression is "reliving of an early life experience with no conscious awareness of any future realities beyond the time frame being experienced [...] This involves a complete dissociation from any other references to adult life." 

As we get older, we lose touch with our early life experiences, memories and ways of thinking because we have all these adult thinking skills, knowledge, information. But the younger mental states are still there - and can be accessed. Some of my friends who have taken LSD have also mentioned this - that when they take it, it feels like being a child again. They see the world as interesting, colorful and mysterious. They feel curious the whole time. 

Opening these younger mental states with hypnosis, even if for 30 minutes is exciting. It may be that you have that open curiosity about the world - seeing it as big, colorful and magical. It may be that you feel small, safe and cozy. Or it may be that you allow yourself to be completely playful and silly without any adult self consciousness. 

I plan on releasing some deeper regression files in coming months, trying out different techniques. Meanwhile, for all patrons who paid for the month of January you will get your recordings on February 3rd in a message through Patreon. If you ever have an issue with receiving the files please just message me and I will get the file to you :) 

By the way if anyone is interested,  this is the computer game I found (called Ocean Explorers): 


If you were a child in the 90s you might remember it! 

Mommy V 


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