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Our minds are capable of entering different states. As a hypnotist I know this well - people can enter into trance and in varying levels of depth. have various levels of trance. But outside of trance, you can also enter little space. Little space is not always the same as age regression. The way I see it, when you are truly in an age regressed state you do not have adult thoughts because that part of your mind is blocked. Usually, through trance you can focus your mind carefully on the part of your mind that is remembers what it's like to be 3. When fully regressed, you really think, behave and see the world as a 3 year old until you exit the trance. 

Little space is not as deep as regression. It's a state in which you feel little, and consciously behave like a your are a toddler (or other age).. When you are in little space you are leaning into your toddler behaviors, letting yourself feel little and start thinking like a toddler. Your adult thoughts are not completely blocked off, and it does take some conscious effort to enter this state. 

I see it as a spectrum - where you can get very deep in to little space, or just lean in slightly. When you're in little space, you have control over how far in you go. It is by no means "weaker" or "worse" than age regression. In fact, exploring little space can give you more insight into what exactly you enjoy about ABDL. As you explore different behaviors, activities, you might find out that you like some aspects and dislike others. Having the power of conscious observation while in little space can help you learn about yourself. 

Like age regression, little space can be triggered. Usually something can get you to feel little - a blankie, a toy, a tv show. There is something that sparks the feeling of being little, and the feeling can spark new behaviors like speaking differently, giggling, having a more childish personality for the moment, playing with toys. The more time you spend in little space, the more you will find this side of you developing. You might even find that  memories, feelings and tendencies from childhood resurface. 

See what happens when you are in little space. Allowing yourself to enter this state (whether during hypnosis, after hypnosis, or just in your free time) is like a muscle. The more you practice it, the more you easily you can get into it. Most importantly, remember that your ABDL experience is your own. If little space and age regression are not part of your experience, they don't have to be. If there are some childish things you like, but not other's that is fine! Only you can know wha experience makes you feel best. Own your ABDL experience and find out which parts of it are your favorite! 

As always, comments and thoughts are welcome. 

-Mommy Victoria  


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