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Same here, edited and corrected.



I think part 2 and 3 is not available for the ones who like me paid 5 dollars for bob


I just changed the access please see if it works and let me know if it doesn't?


You might want to link these in the chapter index. As a new reader that's where I went first to catch up to the current chapter.


Can you add a pdf version please?


Who can the most can the least ! What? very least a month at the very latest abandoned her in abandoned her city in


Spoilers if you haven't read it yet. “I am going to find that prince of yours, Enorian. I will break his dream and I will break his body. I will watch life fade from his eyes. It will take a year or ten, but I will find him. No fortress wall will hold me back. This is my world now, until this account is settled. He will die.” This is literally, word for fucking word, exactly what I wanted her to say.