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Those chapters have been proofread and edited, I'd recommend reading those instead of the independent chapters.



The compilation seems faulty. When they are on the trip to the mountain folk the next page/chapter is talking with some inquisitor out of the blue, seemingly at her home.. Also no paragraph break between different settings, apart from the many leftover typos in the "corrected" version. So will rather read the single posts since the compilation is irritatingly confusing in it's spacing. Love your story though, otherwise I wouldn't be here 😁😂. All the best to you, great work!


I had a nightmare, so you get comments and corrections. sometimes sometime Unfortunately. The Unfortunately, the Magical status modification: draconic surrogate mother . Ha! Suck it George! “Pot, meet kettle.” //That's discriminatory against golems. scaly hand tickled the meat drawer. Squeee! grand Great beast strai Beast trail scietific scientific

Gabe Canada

I can't seem to use these links 😕