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Keepin' that Season 13 train rolling with another solid episode!  ...an interesting mix of flavors lol, but we'll get to that.  It's SUPERNATURAL SATURDAAAAAYYY!!

"The Rising Son"

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/881283428/9d0f8fab1a

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/lD509uruElg


SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 13x2 WATCH ALONG


Amye Sabin

Jack interjects a new dynamic and freshness to the show, but honestly? He's too Mary Sue for me. Dean is just so angry at all his losses right now and he's always had problems controlling himself when he's angry. Many fans hated him for his attitude toward Jack, but I understand that it's coming from a place of grief.

Jules R

I really like the conflict that Sam and Dean have with what to do with Jack, I also love the dynamic he brings to the show, something fresh and new to a long show. One thing that I have heard from other fans, as well as ep Robert Singer has said, is that Sam ended up feeling more like the "mom" to Jack, and Dean the "dad" type and I can't help seeing it that way every since hearing that.