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Keepin' that Season 13 train rolling with another solid episode!  ...an interesting mix of flavors lol, but we'll get to that.  It's SUPERNATURAL SATURDAAAAAYYY!!

"The Rising Son"

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/881283428/9d0f8fab1a

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/lD509uruElg


SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 13x2 - REACTION HIGHLIGHTS [re-up]



On having a new Michael, the world Mary and Lucifer are in is one where John Winchester is dead, so he could not have Adam (Sam and Dean's half brother), so his vessel doesn’t exist for Michael to chill out in.

Nicola O'Neill

Edgar Wright has been quoted a few times as saying he would love to direct an episode of Dr Who and showrunners Moffat and RTD have both said they would want him to. So it's likely that the scheduling has never worked out but there's always hope that it might soon. Simon Pegg has been in Dr Who as a villain in a Christopher Ecclestone episode bt he would make a good Dr.