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Artwork: #169
Art requested by Chunin Anonymous👾
Anime: The quintessential quintuplets
Character: Yotsuba Nakano

Starting the month of September starting the publication of the next requests, my plan is to be able to complete them all in this month and continue the color pages of Boruto EA

I take the opportunity to say that I've been practicing some things to maybe make my works more dynamic so I did some tests, unfortunately I can't publish directly here but know that they will be easily accessible on the Discord server, sorry for the inconvenience

Those who are already following me on Discord and my updates already know that lately I have not had good days and I have been feeling a little shaken emotionally, unfortunately this ends up affecting my performance and some of my works may not be as good as I would like, apologies for that

Gradually I will try to recover but without failing to bring something new to you, thank you for your support and understanding.




Take your time, if you need a break we will understand


Take some time off we will understand