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Hi fellas,
Arriving with these pages just finished, I am working hard to bring them all to you and with that I apologize for the lack of posting but I guarantee that I am producing a lot.

I think it’s worth saying that I recently opened a server on discord where I’ll start publishing spoilers for the tier Chunin, Jounin and Anbu of the works I’m working on as linework and paintings, it’s not very complex but it’s just a way I found have more frequent contact.

To access the discord server just go to your "My membership" page and go to your tier and check the option to connect to discord.

Thank You.




Nice work!!!


Bless uwu 🙏


Im having trouble trying to find the discord link


The "My membership" page is next to the "Post" page on the home page the link to connect to discord is just below the button to send messages.

Phil Wolf

I clicked on the Button ,,Connect your Discord" and now im in a few Discords from other people that i follow on patreon, but not yours


I would love to sing my praise, but sadly patreon is not loading the pics when i click on them. :') But they look very promising!


I believe that maybe you need to log in to the discord again to appear the server, but if it doesn't, send me a message in the inbox and I'll send you the invitation.


ya queria mas de esto aunque no entendi lo de discord