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For bringing it into your scene, either append the "Homes" collection (for individual buildings), or the "#BigCity" object (if you want the entire "city chunk").

Also highly recommend hooking up an HDRI!

ANOTHER NOTE: This works in both cycles and eevee, but the randomization is better in cycles (I'm able to randomize the window's/tarps/etc. on a "per item" basis, whereas in eevee it's "per object" (that is, in Eevee, ALL the windows in the house will be on, and in cycles, the windows will turn on/off independently of each other))


Building Sprawl Asset Video



hey Ian this is great!! I'd love a tutorial on how you make these self randomizing assets like the autoauto they are soooo useful

ash katchum

You give a master class with every post. Your Patreon is the best money I have ever invested!


This is probably the most important tutorial you've done aside from like the greenscreen stuff..... ...but its the shortest tutorial yet. Creating low-weight buildings like this seems fairly straight forward but understanding the mechanisms behind building a city... it just seems like a lot to try and figure out.


Thank you. I really wish I could buy a tutorial from you on how to do this with more buildings. I suppose it's probably like that self-randomizing car one that you did a while back


I can't believe it. This whole thing looked like a gta cheat code of vfx. Thanks a lot, will be making stuff real soooon!


Hey Ian, I can't find the video you made about creating custom video transitions in Blender. Can you help point me in the right direction?


Hey Ian, want this carved wooden frog to stick somewhere? https://poly.cam/capture/2B74F8B8-CDA5-426E-9D04-6BDDABF3AC91




Hey Ian, is there a tutorial on how to set up the geometry nodes?