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Well- mostly just magazine covers, which'll hopefully still get the job done. And before you ask- h'oh yeah this is totally because of that cyberpunk game, cause you can run around and see random magazines everywhere, and it's such a cool way to imply a larger world (and because- I dunno. The game is so full of things I'll never be able to do, but magazines? That's doable.)

Truth be told, I thought a dozen magazines would give me more variety than it did- but should still work well if you're trying to flesh out a convenience store or little paper stand.

Also, just to make sure- do people use the FBXs? I had some folks like 6 months ago say they were useful, but they take a bit of time to set up every time (gotta check/tweak the node groups for every object), so I just want to make sure.

Right click save as:
Blender File
FBX Version

Or just download the jpg below and slap it on a bunch of semi-gloss planes :D

Odds are I'll make another dozen of these at some point, because honestly they're pretty handy, and a dozen isn't always QUITE enough- but this should do for now :)  

It's fun getting into a headspace where you're just making cover after cover, because my graphic design assumptions/go-tos become really obvious really quick. Honestly I feel like I should make a hundred of these just to expand my horizons a little.

Also- you may be thinking, "oh perhaps ian hid some funny text in there" IIIIIII didn't really.  Mostly I just love slapping big ol text over images. I love it so much. 

[Or HERE is just the above image file full res, if you want that]

(that was version one, then I stewed on it a bit and updated to version 2)



I almost exclusively use the FBXs when available, just feels more self contained for some reason


That's good to know! Just as a heads up, they're rarely as complex as the blender versions, since I have to pull out most of the node shenanigans in the textures for the FBX version (stuff like subtle warbles in the magazines and animations in the LED lights). That said, I agree- I'd rather have a folder full of FBXs than a bunch of blend files.


2 post in 1 week? Thank you for blessing us!


This is awesome! I enjoyed reading the covers haha 😆👍🏻


Ahahaha, I used to post like every other day, so I've been feeling slow! This is probably a better pace, though :D


Hello, someone has an idea about where to find the discord link, I sent a message to Ian but I have no response.


I want to subscribe SHAFT magazine, please!


How far into Cyber Punk are you ? I just started playin and love it


I'm at the final stage! Or- the "point of no return". This is like the first time I've played a AAA game, so it's been blowing my mind. That said, I'm only at the final quest because I didn't really understand how the pacing worked (when the main character of the central quest says, "I'll wait for you at _______", you don't have to zip off and meet them right away- you're supposed to, like, indulge in the side quests. The pacing made a lot more sense once I figured that out :). ) But yeah man, walking around and seeing all the world building and everything- it's decadent, and I love it :D


this is great. I had my own but it wasn't nearly as balanced. I also think I'll use yours as a tribute to you and your help and great work. thanks Ian!




yes please keep the fbx files if they're not too much extra work! just subscribed and love you and your work and cant wait to start using these assets but i dont use blender. thank you for everything!


Learning a Ton - 'm off to break-it-down, down, down, down!