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Hello! This is in that zone between a tutorial and a breakdown. A Tutdown, if you will.

Covers some ground the tier 7 folks have seen, but hopefully not too boring.

Also- this started up as a breakdown for various bird particle systems, but I ended up getting super excited about controlling the BOIDS with force fields, so it gets a bit off the rails towards the end.

Here's the raw (unanimated) pigeon, if you want it. It's in FBX form, so just go file>import>FBX. Right click, save as Here


Making Bird Swarms (and Easy Controllable Crowds!)



Hi Ian!


I haven't finished the vid yet, so maybe you dress this, but I think the reason the pigeons are 1 unit up when you spawn them it the "Height" value right under the banking and pitch in the misc tab


Also every time you say BOIDS I think of the Moths Lazy tut, "OH YES" and I die:)


This is amazing man! Is there a way where you could have someone pushing there way through the crowd?! Also, sooooo excited for your new episode of dynamo! Any idea for a release date yet?:)


Totally!! At the end of the video I talk about force fields- you could animate the one person, then parent a forcefield to them to repel people within a nearby radius :D And I have to talk to the sound team- maybe a month?? Probably more, honestly




is this based off the render challenge phil made


Oh gotcha! This is seriously so helpful:D And that’s so exciting! Looking forward to it man👍🏻


Ian from where do you have the People pack? please and Thanks


It's from here, last summer (the tier 7 folks, though :/ ) I made them with the orbit option with a drone- worked surprisingly well!

Kai Christensen

Congrats on the 3090! It really is a ridiculously cool piece of tech, and if ANYONE will take full advantage of it, you will. As always, excited for the future!

Kai Christensen

"... that's a pretty quick head-bob..." *chuckles* "this might be INSANE"


I want more videos without even a clear goal and just him messing around and being funny. Never change


It IS fun! Blender is the best game, and you are a pro.


This is sooo entertaining - and dare I say so timely (in form of people, anyway)


Yesss, the sexy voice! Stop the filtering!


Boids are awesome ! I think follow the leader is meant to be used in combination with goal: your particles will still try to reach the goal, but they will pick "leader particles" and follow them to that goal, not clump together ! You seem to really like working with shape keys so you might be interested by a cool new addon for shape keys animation: https://rainboxlab.org/tools/duska/ It makes life a whole lot easier !




Amazing as always! Love it!

Jan van den Hemel

This is fun! I don't even notice that the people crowd isn't animated from a distance, that's nuts how well that works.


Dude, I am absolutely blown away by how far you push the limits in Blender, and I still think you've barely scratched the surface of your potential. BRAVO!!


Love your videos. Saw this thought you might like it>>>https://vimeo.com/450850232


Oh the fun to be had with those crowds... 😆


omg. zombie hoard please :)


SO cool! I didn’t know I needed this, but I thought of a great way to use this for one of my projects.


Ian, Wonderful as usual. Where did you get your 3090? I've been looking for weeks and can't find one anywhere that's not way over retail.


I just want to be a pigeon


This tut was pure magic. Also, I went from a 1080 to the 3080(got mine right at release!!) and it's just crazy powerful.


It's RIDICULOUS! Completely rips the rug out from how I estimate render times (and the amount I toggle between rendered/material view :P). Glad the 3080's working for you!


Ice skating pigeons, and DC mobs! :)


"Boids" does sound like "Birds" when spoken with an accent


So good. Thank you for showing this.


this is the pride and joy Blender, the hilarious testing - exciting, innovative, and hysterical. keep the gold coming, Ian!


i am searching for how to create moths, the tutorial someone can help me?


Thank you Ian


finally, someone that i can watch and learn from and not be bored out of my mind. thanks dude! these videos are gold... or bitcoin or whatever is worth a lot these days.