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I think I already have these floating around somewhere (the robot at least), but these are even a bit more optimized.

Huge thanks to Nate Taylor for doing most of the crab modeling!!

Actually, Nate and I first worked together on a film ages ago- my first feature I shot when I was like 18 (and then spent like 6 years doing post on),  and the whole final scene was a crab-vs-giant-mech battle, so it was kind of fun to revisit, hahaha

(right click, "save link as")
Crab Asset 

Robot Asset

The crab has a kind of intense particle system that gives it that weird fur, but you can delete it if it bogs down your machine. 



This was mostly just a late night test to see if I could apply the same mocap data to a robot and a little pilot, and it worked well enough that I fleshed it out! Also, I'm releasing it (and the robot model) under creative commons 0, if anyone wants to use them for anything: http://robotsoup.com/crab-battle.html Audio by Impossible Acoustic Crab modeled by Nathan Taylor Mocap data captured with a Rokoko Smartsuit CG done in Blender



Dude I have been admiring that crab model for so long haha


the links haven't been working its just a bunch of gibberish


wait seriously?? Hmmm- OH. It's a link straight to the blend file, and chrome sends you straight to a "save link as" window, but my guess is your browser is actually trying to read the data. Try just right clicking on the links and saving them there, does that help? I'll add a little notice.


awesome! thank you so much also, kind of a random question, but have you had the chance to check out HL: Alyx? the art style and humor seem like it'd be thoroughly your kind of shit


Oh man I want to so bad- everything I've seen looks amazing!. As soon as it's safe with this virus, I've got a friend I'm going to play it with. Crazy stoked! You played it?


would love to see you model the robot from start to finish...i know its asking a bit to much..but the robot looks amazing with the animation of the sword epic.Another quick question did you comp it with AE or blender ....i have a feeling you have you used film convert with the film grain turned up .....just loved the color grade and feel and look do you have a custom lut or you have used one from the net.....thanks in advance...


Hey Thanks A lot. Could Be nice to have a quick look about the rendering process . Again an Amazing Work, and thank for Sharing that.


Thanks guys, loving the content!


Sweet! Thanks!!


Thanks for posting, LOVE the commentary! haha... Not to hijack at all, but I saw this a few days ago and had to post it... it just goes with your video sooo well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvIERAyH8hs

Jan van den Hemel

It's amazing how good it looks in your renders versus how rough it is around the edges when you look at the model by itself. I'd love to learn more about your post-processing workfow. The animation where the sword comes out is also great.


QUESTION : How would you approach making terrains and rock structures ? Also thanks for the models, your content so far is amazing !


Ah thanks Mariyan! And huh- I've actually always had trouble doing rocks without it looking kind of stylized (Which can be good, depending on the project, but from a realism standpoint I think I tend to simplify them too much)- so at this point I'd probably go a photoscanned route, personally. I've been super loving photoscans lately- it's a great way to just collect objects.


Hahaha! yeah this model more than most embodies the "model some stuff slap a texture on it" vibe- hopefully it's not a disappointment. Although I think the reason I like the model so much is almost for exactly that reason; it felt more like making a CG doodle.


ThankS Brother GreaT JoB