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Somebody asked how to do this over in the YouTube comments, so here we go! Quick little intro to object tracking.

Being able to combine an object track with a camera track is seriously so cool. Although, object tracks can be particularly hard, especially if they're objects being held by humans (human movement can be so crazy quick/random), but if you understand the restrictions, you can do a bunch of cool stuff without too much effort!

Man I'm so glad I'm finally using the blender tracker. It's so handy. 


Head/Object tracking in blender




Amazing as always!


A monkey head! She has a name! It's Susan. :P Thank you for your enthusiasm and great teaching style, just joined.


I believe she prefers "Suzanne" hahaha And you're welcome! Thank you so much for being here! I've always just done this stuff in my spare time, and you're helping freeing up a lot more of it!! I'm more excited about the future than I've been in a while.


Fun stuff! I was inspired by the "Aquaman" BTS a while back and figured I'd make a dry-for-wet underwater scene by tracking simulated Blender hair onto my head—the tracking went great, but now I'm stuck in limbo, running sim after sim trying to art-direct juuuust the right underwater flowing motion! Dang perfectionism.


Awesum saus as alwayz


if i have syntheyes is there a reason why i should use blender in stead?


would love to have the footage try my luck the second time...you should check out lock down plugin for AE you would love it..its kinda similar to nuke's smart vector tracking ....

Jan van den Hemel

I'd actually love to see you do some tutorials for other software you use as well! I know Blender can do all this stuff, but personally I use a lot of different tools, like After Effects as well. I didn't know the after effects tracking to blender plug-in you showed a while back worked that well, for instance.


If you're really comfortable with syntheyes, I'm sure it's great! I haven't used it since- whoa, 2004/5 or something like that?? If you're working in blender for the rest of your CG stuff, I can say it's really nice to have right there in program- being able to play with multiple camera/object tracks directly, but maybe you can export that data really easily too? I guess I don't know enough about it.


I've been looking into lockdown- it looks wild!!! Here's the footage if you want to mess with it! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yEIUH-hZxfbk-hWp1MeSeVEEox2y_tOd


I can see a talking skull head now. I guess you would need to put some motion tracking tapes on your jaw and make another tracking object separated from your freaking head?


That's pretty friggin awesome!


Ian : "I've actually never done this before..." Erich : "Show off!" :-)


Fantastic! So happy to be absorbing these tips and tricks from you. You're saving me lots of time by making really useful and easy to follow tuts! Thank you.


Love this one. I'm going to give it a go :)


Just what I need to put a ultra-tech / cyberpunk helmet / googles / visor on my daughter, so cool! Thanks, Ian.


i love this.You are the man ian.. thank you!


Hi :) I'm new here and your patreon is fantastic. Can I download that footage for practice?


https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yEIUH-hZxfbk-hWp1MeSeVEEox2y_tOd Here you go! Really glad you're enjoying the patreon! :D