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Hey! So- fairly basic stuff, but for anyone who's curious, here's a way to make a video wall in blender!

I love having the different panels- it's fun to make them different sizes, too, or scatter them all

ALSO! Let me know if you guys have preferences for how I do these things. I can turn on keystroke visualizations, and get a bit more specific (or less specific). I'm making em for you guys, so let me know what's most useful! 

I'm uploading the assets themselves for the "asset" tier- I think that's the best way to do it. 


Video Wall



Awesome tutorial as always! One thing I like doing is making an LCD style affect using the separate RGB nodes to create a chroma effect that looks like individual pixels, it gives off a realistic Moire effect at certain angles too.


Thanks for being so generous with your knowledge (and humor)


Cool! I hope this format's still useful. It's definitely not as curated as the lazy tuts, but... they're a lot faster to make, haha


Yeah, this is a great format. One learns so much from just watching you work.


Thanks for the awesome tutorial man. Great!


Amazing tutorial !! Thank you very much! at 2:13 the shortcut Ian is trying to remember it's Ctrl+Alt+LMB, that's for selecting an "edge ring" (not edge loop).


Awesome tutorial. It's amazing to watch the master at work. "I can turn on keystroke visualizations" Yes please!.


I'd be interested on how you do your film grain. Is that done in Blenders compositor or some AE plugin? Do you even use AE anymore?


Fried Gold.


First tut as a patreon, i've already learn so much! Totaly worthy! Thx Ian


yes please more detail tuts.....


AH! That's it! Oh man you just saved me hours and hours of future effort. Thank you so much!


Honestly that's basically the only thing I use AE for these days, haha. Just a bit of diffusion and grain. I should totally just do it in the blender compositor, though- there's probably a plugin and everything. But yeah! My goal for this year is to try to do a bunch of the compositing stuff in blender as much as possible, if for no other reason than having my 3d workflow and compositing workflow as close together as possible is SO nice (I can't believe how many years it took me to actually just put a pre-keyed person on a 2d layer in the scene. Shadows and reflections for freeeeee)

Ian Letarte

2:20 use the short cut: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Select. :)


I'm super new to Blender, and the ease & speed with which you roll through everything I would consider mind-blowingly complex is the most motivating thing in the world thank you so much for this!!

Patrick Lever

Bro you make it look so easy lol 😂👍🏾 thank you here's my 7$ #keepfilming


How would you go about putting the wave texture on something rounder like a CRTV and keeping the straight lines?


Ian, selecting all the edges on an object at once is Ctrl+Alt+Shift+LeftClick.. just figured it out :)


I have been thinking about the video texture load as well... if you have to break a video out into a frame sequence for efficient playback, why not composite 2 or more into tiles? Then use the UV mapping to select the part you want. Heck you could also tile the same video but with a time offset so that Blender isn't loading up the same texture multiple times for the frame offset... Just a thought, havent tried it yet


This video is so cool, thanks a lot. btw, if my wife knew how deeply in love I am with those displays in the Dynamo Dream teaser, she would feel jealous :D


GENIUS. This stuff is perfect, in terms of where I am on my Blender journey! Just became a patron of yours and am going to go through EVERY single thing I can possibly soak up from here.


Still trying to figure out how you built the initial screen. Nothing works as I expect it. Thats funny.


New here, starting from the bottom! Great tutorial, was a bit intimidated by everything happening cause im beginner in Blender, but a couple of searches and I was good!