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I know episode 12 hasn't dropped here for y'all yet (It will tomorrow), but technically these aren't really chapters that fall into the sequential order of things so I figured I'd just post it now! Enjoy!




Justus A

Glad yall watched this because I couldn't find this episode on the high seas


Bless y'all


Nice! I just watched it today myself, very cute and fun little episode. I was just thinking not too long ago, "Man, I can't wait until Re:animated's reaction to this." I know they had mad fun in the studio for the meat bun segment. Director was probably like, "So, these are gonna be pretty chill little skits in a special episode, so feel free to improvise."


I think I prefer opposite sides on a date, for the purpose of eye contact (even though I can be socially awkward with eye contact sometimes). Opposite sides at a restaurant is by far more romantic than side by side. Although, I guess for a double date I'd prefer side by side with my own date.

@lex Canas

Crazy how the "Zombie Game" segments are the most wholesome moments of these shorts.


She wanted her neck bit lol she wasn't trying to be wholesome at that point! LMAO


Look at this girl, closing the gap every single time


Ended up binging this show to catch up to ya'll. What a damn feels good show. Straight forward romcom with no nonsense in between. Also, this upload was 60fps, huh? Looks hella clean and smooth


Just a nice dose of Wholesomeness to get us ready for S2 on Saturday. (Y'all got a full ass plate for Saturdays this season I just realized)


ROMCOM KINGS return in 60FPS!! No holds barred!!


trust me taylor you do not wish you were short, being short scares more than half the bitches away automatically, then you get bullied and cant do shit cuz youre shorter than most dude and inevitably you turn into a bisexual cross dressing femboy which actually surprisingly attracts a big audience of men and women, strange...