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Hey all, I've been in the midst of upgrading to a new PC the past few days, it's also been my work week so my time off work was spent putting everything together, troubleshooting, etc. 

I'm happy to say I'm back up and have content on the way! I upgraded the PC so that Render times would be cut drastically, so I'm hoping to get more done in a quicker, more efficient manner. Just wanted to update you all

Coming today: Re:zero, Reincarnated As a Slime, Black Clover, and Wonder Egg Priority

Stay tuned!


gerard long

Yea because I been patiently waiting for the reactions that's why I had to see what's up when I had DM u on insta 😂

Jeremy Estrella 🇩🇴

Thanks for the update bro!!! Been waiting for the slime reaction lol....


No worries, saw it on insta and it’s clean with the white man.

