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The plan is in motion! Shout out to Miguel for sitting in!



Miguel angel lugo

Hey I’m in the tag 🏷 lol 😆 much love 💗 reanimated familia


Syr grabbing some best girl points in this episode. Pulled an Emilia (or Rem) lap pillow maneuver on him lol. At this point, if I were Bell, I'd 1) Tell the ppl on the street to go fuck themselves, 2) Forget Ais, there's Hestia and Syr lol.


Fr ais shows no interest in him but he’s still going after her


And his current status isn't helping improve her image of him. Idk how prone she is to changing her opinion of him though, last season she seemed to find him interesting and admired his remarkable growth at the very least. But given her lack of emotions, it's hard to tell if she legit sees him as an irreplaceable friend, or just an intriguing human being who she can easily end up loathing at the drop of a hat. Syr and Hestia on the other hand, both love him unconditionally.


facts, I hate that Ais is so...emotionless lol. It's like bro you're in love with a brick wall, albeit a pretty curvaceous one, it's a brick wall nonetheless haha.

Matthew B

There are so many better waifu choices for bell over ais. Dude has literally every girl in the show ready to drop them panties over him


Ep 9, The calm before the storm.... is it next Friday yet? Moving on though, for this weeks cut content its kind of hard to go into because this episode mixed things around and changed things up so the key points are still there just some are out of order. The biggest things are that when Bell went walking around town his reception was much harsher from adventurers and townspeople alike, even having someone give him the biggest disrespect an adventurer can receive by accusing him of having a Monster Fetish. Saying he was only after that Vouivre because he was attracted to it. In addition Bell actually talked with Finn during that walk and was going to confide in him and ask for help in getting the Xenos back into the dungeon but that's when Hermes showed up and gave that speech he did in their home but that scene showed that Finn pretty much knew everything already. The other thing would be I dont know if you guys remember the rant I went on back in season 2 in regards to all the content they removed but for when Bell met Syr in this episode it was actually supposed to be at the orphanage he found out she worked at as he had wandered there while walking around only to run into a few of the kids he had met there who were mad at him for what he did, really shaking him to his core after which Syr came out and had her scene with him. Oh and for the spot they got all those magic items from, that was Fel's hidden storeroom where he kept a lot of what he has made over the centuries. He was and is known as the greatest item maker in the world with many of the items he made including that Invisibility cloak the Familia is wearing now those glass orbs called Oculus' which can allow vocal and video communication, and that Magic map where if someone puts their blood on it it works like that Harry Potter map and shows their current location in real time. those were the biggest spots for this episode and hope you guys are ready because these next 3 are going to be the highlight of Season 3


yeah that is one of the biggest criticisms everyone has for Ais. She shows a bit more emotion in the Light Novels and especially in her side series but in the main series anime she is only interesting when she's fighting.


Thank you for that bro! Always look forward to seeing your comments about what was missed or for more details :) Really helps me take the series in more. And I wish they would've had that conversation between Bell and Finn!


Yeah Finn is honestly scary with how amazing he is as a Strategist and General.


Noblesse and Fire Force?


Maybe she just needs that right man to press that button and turn her emotions on. Hehe. XD


Fire Force today, noblesse tomorrow. Thanksgiving and work was last week so a lot of stuff got recorded late


Ah, yeah I figured the holiday had something to do with it, np. :)


Hopefully the last few episodes are gonna be good ones!


Winter season is gonna be full of good anime. Damn... I am looking forward to it. As much as I like Friday for anime this Fall season I want more than just one day a week to come out with good anime. 2020 has had a couple of bangers but I dread waiting the whole week just for that one single day to get some anime.