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NEW VIDEO LINK: https://streamable.com/7hvywt

New character alert! And they are all dope!




Lmao why is Terrence upside down in the thumbnail XD Damn you and your PS5. I haven't been able to get one. Fucking thing is harder to get than toilet paper.


Lmaooo he was just hanging out, and bro no kidding! Selling out everywhere smh...Oh btw Noblesse reaction coming in the next 30!

Matthew B

flexing on us normies with the PS5.... if I could find a damn one I would buy it lol.


Damn chill with the my hero fan roasting lmao Not everyone in the fandom is bad. It is just so big at this point that a bunch of snowflakes have gathered in the fandom along with a lot of casual anime watchers. You got me laughing and crying at the same time lol


Lol nah we want all the smoke! Every reaction we went to war in that comments section lol


The only new character that showed up this episode that I actually like so far is the dude that clearly is a very cultured and alpha individual. Sadly I can't agree because I enjoy short girls with big asses just as much as tall girls with big asses. They both are very enjoyable.


You know how weebs are though. They gonna go all keyboard warrior on anyone that wants the smoke. MHA just happens to have a lot of them. You better watch out though. Give this series some time to get popular enough and it is gonna be at least almost as bad. I can already smell the toxicity coming in lol

Tyreesh Simmons

LMAO Go off Sherm! I didn’t even see the comments last week but I’m glad I didn’t feel the need to comment on that shit 😂 the pre episode discussion had me weak!