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NEW VIDEO LINK: https://streamable.com/w1c32l

More Golden Kamuy! Aye! How y'all liking the series so far?



Where’s the vid playboy


The video is at the header of the post guys. Golden Kamuy6&7.mp4 is the name. Idk why there is no vid preview but its there


Oh thanks


Yo please tell me we are getting Danmachi reaction today or tomorrow because holy shit this was such a good ass episode. I almost started tearing up a bit.


Oh yea heads up if you haven't watched it yet but it has an after credits scene. I literally think this is one of the only after credit scenes in this entire series lol


I also don't wanna overhype it for you cause I know how that goes from multiple experiences but it is definitely up their with the better episodes of this series.


Ik im (not a dirty) dub watcher but the sub does better cuz they actually bother to translate the foreign languages that show up on screen sometimes


Just a heads up. I don't know if you're planning on watching the last episode individually or to make it a special and watch 10,11 and 12 altogether but when you get to the second season I recommend that you do the latter. Trust me when I say that the second season gets better and the last three episodes need to be watched in one go.


Yeah, I'm enjoying it! ;D

Ye Tao

Joined patreon just for your Golden Kamuy reaction, there're 4 OVAs as well.