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Here is the first installment of our new podcast Re:animators! Let us know what you all think! Enjoy!



Jose loeza

good start


I am not a usual podcast type of person but I would rather see a video podcast rather than a audio podcast if that makes sense.... The only reason I would ever listen or watch a podcast in the first place is if I am interested in the topic. So it is on very rare occasion that it happens..... I don't know maybe I am just too much of a noob with podcast to say whether or not simply audio is a good thing or if podcasts should be visual as well.


??? The fuck? I’m just saying I tend to like video podcast over the audio only ones. But I don’t normally do podcast so....

RJ Lee

The video for the podcast might be available to lower tiers later on maybe?


It's all good man, everyone has their preference! That's why we do audio/visual. @RJ Lee The video version will be available at midnight EST to all tiers under the Ceiling tier!

RJ Lee


L (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-29 06:39:55 Hey I know you made a big post about the whole "Black Lives Matter" movement a couple days ago and I agreed in the comments to an extent. I don't know if you ever watch the Hodgetwins and whether or not you like them but I thought I would come on here and ask what you thought about this video they made. ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLuJa9X21PE&t=0s Just wanted to know what you thought without being bias to anything about it and how much you agree with them if any.... Also I am sure you heard about the "david dorn" death so I wondered what you thought about after seeing that. It is funny (it isn't funny but u know what i mean) when this whole thing starts out with a killing of a black man and it causes another black police officer to die very soon after everything goes to chaos.
2020-06-04 01:05:19 Hey I know you made a big post about the whole "Black Lives Matter" movement a couple days ago and I agreed in the comments to an extent. I don't know if you ever watch the Hodgetwins and whether or not you like them but I thought I would come on here and ask what you thought about this video they made. ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLuJa9X21PE&t=0s Just wanted to know what you thought without being bias to anything about it and how much you agree with them if any.... Also I am sure you heard about the "david dorn" death so I wondered what you thought about after seeing that. It is funny (it isn't funny but u know what i mean) when this whole thing starts out with a killing of a black man and it causes another black police officer to die very soon after everything goes to chaos.

Hey I know you made a big post about the whole "Black Lives Matter" movement a couple days ago and I agreed in the comments to an extent. I don't know if you ever watch the Hodgetwins and whether or not you like them but I thought I would come on here and ask what you thought about this video they made. ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLuJa9X21PE&t=0s Just wanted to know what you thought without being bias to anything about it and how much you agree with them if any.... Also I am sure you heard about the "david dorn" death so I wondered what you thought about after seeing that. It is funny (it isn't funny but u know what i mean) when this whole thing starts out with a killing of a black man and it causes another black police officer to die very soon after everything goes to chaos.


I disagree with a lot of their points and in my opinion they don’t get the message. The conservatives have a hard on for this narrative that BLM is only about black people being killed while unarmed and that there’s more white people killed by cops than black people. The United States population is 60% white, 12% of the population is African American or black if you prefer that term. Now, I’m not genius mathematician, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that statistically with 5 times the population size you’re going to have more police deaths to them opposed to black people. The perfect analogy for black lives matter is that you see a house on fire, there’s other houses around it that are fine, you’re trying to put the fire out on this house and people are starting to say “well what about this house? All houses matter” when the whole time yes, all houses matter, but THIS ONE in particular is on fire and needs help/attention to fix it from burning down. Another point is that “all lives matter” wasn’t a thing until black lives matter came about. Nobody cares about black lives until it’s spoken about then all of a sudden all lives matter and we want to discuss what lives are important or not? If all lives matter was truly a thing they would be protesting whenever any injustice occurs. You don’t see all lives matter protesting when anyone gets killed ever. Black lives matter goes deeper than just police brutality, it is also for injustice being done in the judicial system. It is a fact and very thoroughly documented that a black man will serve more time than a white man for various different things. Some of the biggest examples include weed charges, rape, and assault. The David Dorn situation is sick, I hate seeing stuff like that. It gives the media and skeptics or people who are looking for a reason to undermine the message fuel and ammunition to disregard BLM as a terrorist Group, or trying to do more harm than good, or whatever narrative out there exists. Nobody covers or speaks on the peaceful protests going on, nobody speaks about the fundraisers, nobody speaks about the justice system reform and call to arms to put better candidates in power. You really have to ask yourself why is there so much kick back when black people are just asking to stop being profiled, killed for no reason (not saying this is all the time, but it is still a valid talking point), and treated unfairly by the judicial system. Black Lives Matter is the only thing that people LOOK for reasons to denounce and try to dismiss. When the LGBTQ+ community protests you never have cops inciting riots, you never have negative media coverage. Everything is progressive and everyone wants the best for them (aside from the bigots of course). Why is that? LGBTQ+ transcends race, it’s got white, black, Asian, Latino, etc. in it. So yes, everyone is going to be all for it, people want to be included in everything and every discussion but don’t want the ramifications of being what the topic of discussion is about, in this case black. They can never understand what it feels like to be pulled over and fear that this may be the last day of your life because you “didn’t comply”. They don’t have to fear going to court for a weed charge and getting the maximum penalty. White people do not have the same fears and do not get profiled..That is the reality of it. And once again if all lives truly mattered they would be making a stand for all these injustices. They love to say “well what about the white guy who was shot and killed by police while unarmed?!” Yeah that’s shitty, but you tell me what about him. You claim all lives matter so you should have made the effort to protest his death. People love claiming things with no action to back it up, it’s all talk in conflict of progression. And honestly is a contradiction. But that’s my stance on it.

Kevin Baker

"Screaming, “All Lives Matter,” is a protest to my protest, what kind of shit is that?"


Cool thanks for the insight. It’s always nice to get different stances. My biggest source of the blame behind most of everything is the Mass Social Media where the focus on particular stances and try to persuade the world in accordance to their own political agenda. Whether it is left or right they will look at it where it benefits their side. Like you said they don’t focus on the good outcomes out of this protesting. The bad things that happen will always get more of a kick out of people and more attention. The good things that happen all the time rarely get attention in the first place. The media wants more of that kick cause it just gets them more attention in general. Like when a black man gets shot by a police officer the media will go straight to blaming the police officer like the black man did nothing wrong. Yet later when more evidence comes out the rest of the video shows him pulling out a firearm concealed and ready to shoot. It has literally happened where the media cuts or edits the footage to get a negative reaction out of the people and put all the blame on an officer. What happens to that officer during that time between the media showing it and the actual footage? Why doesn’t the media apologize and come out as being wrong? If you deny this than why do you rarely ever see attention on a black man being wrongfully killed by a black officer because you know it HAS to HAPPEN in this world filled with BILLIONS. When something positive happens where a white police officer protects a black man or helps someone black in any way shape or form where does that big media spotlight go to that? I’d love to see people of different races being kind and helping each other because it shows all the compassion still in the world. Yet when I look at the general media it is barely anywhere to be found. The media should be focused on more or the same as the cops are in my opinion. They twist and form events to spark more and more unjust hatred for some cops. Not that all of those events are twisted or that all the cops are good. Clearly George was killed wrongfully but where is that sort of attention to the positive outcomes on things. I may have gotten mixed up on some stuff cause it isn’t easy typing out all your thoughts on something particular in one go but I think you know where I come from. Thanks for giving me your thoughts.


That was a line from Joyner Lucas I'm not racist song

Kevin Baker

@Reanimated Hey, sorry if that was unclear. It was in reference to your "Another point is that 'all lives matter' wasn’t a thing until black lives matter came about." comment. - It just reminded me of that Joyner Lucas line.