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Tower of Betrayal begins!


toge9.wmv (1080p)

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Yo why does Terence hate Rachel so much lmao

Matthew B

Its actually hilarious to me how many reactors to this show instantly distrust Rachel


I just peeped that Sherman has “the subtle art of not giving a fuck” in the background 😂.


Is Saiki K coming soon?


The anime doesn't really explain it well but Rachel is like a mom to Bam she literally raised him in the cave that's why he cares about her so much.


@Matthew I blame the comments...MANHWA readers been screaming “fuck Rachel” since the anime was announced.


Yeah lmao, I like the story except if Bam was not in it. He single handedly ruins the show. Power of friendship and shit, i am not into that. Wish we would get an actual MC in an anime


I actually thought it explained it pretty well. I was able to get that from the get-go pretty much, and I never read the webtoon. It's been pretty obvious to me for a while now.


This ep rubbed me the wrong way, everything was fucked with this betrayal shit lol. I'm like, omg, none of these characters can catch a fucking break, except Rak, who's just been chillin eating his chocolate like it was popcorn.


Yeah I agree. Regardless of whatever happens in the webtoon, she has yet to show any hard evidence of being a bitch of any kind. She obviously has something internal she's dealing with. Idk what that is, but I'm sure we'll see soon enough. I definitely doubt she's dead though, she has some weird connection with the big ugly silent guy.


I don't get why they feel the need to cram so many things into 12eps..


If this season ends at the same place as season 1 of the manhwa it will have an epic last episode and it will hype up the next season, all I will say is that character development is deffo going to happen

Jerrid Jackson

just wondering is saiki coming soon?

Eli Kisamo

Lol what? She raised Bam. Literally was the only thing in his life. Dude was in the dark under ground climbing a mountain or some shit with no memories. Then she abandons him with him watching her leave, and tells him not to follow. And he is powerless to stop her. Then when Bam sees her again she acts like he doesn't exist. Doesn't even thank him for saving her. This literally would all be resolved with one conversation. She was a bitch by this point. And the following episodes solidify her bitch status in stone lol.