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Hello Patrons! With your support, El Indon Chapter 8 is scheduled to be released to the public this weekend, and that means it's time for the credits again!

- As before, you will be credited as your name appears here on Patreon. If that name is correct, DON'T reply to this message.
- If you would rather be listed as some other name, or would like to not appear in the credits, DO reply to this message with your correction. Please reply before SUNDAY 2/21.

Many thanks for all your help these past few months! ATW#5 is up next, and it's gonna be a big one.
Published: 2021-02
Hello Patrons!

It's almost the end of the year, and it's time for one last shopping spree! Use the code HEADHELDHIGH at jaiyandt.bigcartel.com for 15% off everything in the store, until 12/17. That's the last day we can expect packages to arrive for Xmas, so if you want it, you better get it!

Thanks so much for all your support!

Published: 2021-12
Hello Patrons! As of this writing, Ask The Werewolves #5 is mostly done and into the cleanup-revisions phase, yaaaaay!

And that means it's time for the credits! As always, you will be credited with your Patreon username, as it appears on this site, UNLESS you reply to this message with a correction, or a request to be left out of the credits. If you're fine with how your name is shown, simply don't reply.

I'm planning for a release date of October 1, so please try to report any changes before then. Thanks so much for your support!
Published: 2021-09
Hello Patrons! It's September, and while we'll largely be doing skunk celebrations in October instead, this month's store code is SQUARROSA (https://jaiyandt.bigcartel.com/). Also, if you haven't done so already, you can connect to the new Discord by going to your Patreon settings, and making sure you're signed up to either the $2 or $6 tier. Beyond that, September is a lot of work on ATW#5. Have a good one!
Published: 2021-09