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I've been learning more complex animation tools in moho using bones, mesh warp and a few other things. I normally rotate and scale the parts manually but I finally got the bone tools to behave like I wanted and tried using some other features to make a more complex rig after importing the images from CSP. I still don't know how to draw in moho, but if i can learn how to do it and get the style I want, it'll cut down time by alot.

While a lot of my time has been focused on work, health and learning new skills I think it's going to pay off so long as I stay on top of things and my hope is to have all the skills I need to do this the way that I want to. It would be nice to get back to putting out animation loops again using more improved skills, even if the final result doesn't exactly reflect what I'm trying to learn. (Though i'd say this is far more interesting then me learning the tools using stick figures, don't even get me started on godot... that's an uphill battle) 

But regardless, I hope y'all enjoy it and fingers crossed, i'll be making an animation loop of something new that can serve as the stream loading screen or maybe a mock 3BS advert. Everyone try to stay healthy, happy and hopeful out there, more stuff coming soon.




Very cool!